
Posts Tagged ‘steps’

First Steps

We say all the time that change is the only constant thing in life, but in reality adults don’t like change. We ignore it, push it aside, pretend it doesn’t exist for as long as we can. We prefer to take the same roots day by day and God forbid we actually have to learn something we are afraid to do.

Why, when it is so much more comfortable sticking to what we already know?

Regardless, life presents you with way more opportunities of exploring new things, sometimes by our own choice, and sometimes, not so much. The best thing to do when you feel stuck having to do something you don’t really like doing:

*watch a baby trying to walk*

It’s an instant energy boost! It’s funny and enjoyable, and at the same time reminds you that sometimes you have to try something 10 times until it actually work. Or more, if needed.

As I had my first tryouts in making a video, and asking poeple to shoot them for it, people most of which did not really want to be shoot, I felt I was jumping into an unknown field. One I didn’t particularly want to do.

I knew nothing of how to persuade people to be part of the video, what to ask and how. I felt not like a journalist, not even like a student, but like an amateur trying to do something weird and unsuitable for me.

I had almost given up when someone finally said yes for the video. Finally!, I thought. It’s the best feeling in the world. It is good when you do something that you know for a fact you do good.

But it’s even better, when you finally manage to do something you have been trying for a while. It’s not really a point of whether you have done it good or just manage to do it sort-of-okay. It gets easier with time, and hopefully better.

The first step is the hardest- literally and figuratively!

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