
Posts Tagged ‘anger’

Hey there,

to all of you out there who has had your moments of doubt or pain or anger…I’ve had mine too, even in my best times. Sometimes we spend so much time feeling those feelings without realising being mad at someone hurts more ourselves. It’s okay to feel like that, and sometimes it’s even necessary.

But we have to realise that at some moment it’s good to let go of such feelings and redirect our energy to something else. So this is what I’m doing. When I finally find myself letting go of a bad situation, I write poems or songs or fiction, or I draw.

Everyone has their own way, and mine is different according to the occasion. It’s not always a good expression, not always my best poem or the best thing I have drawn…it’s more of an outlet, a way of expression.

After realising there are things or people in our lives we can’t always change, but we have to find a way to move on regardless, this is what I did. It might be a song or a poem, good or bad one, or in the middle, but either way it helps.


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